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Something to Think About

We are living in interesting times. Or divisive times. Or catalytic times. Or cataclysmic times. We see terrible news daily—rioters hiding in the midst of the peaceful protest, a pandemic that threatens so many. You may look out of your window and see rows of structures lining sidewalks near busy streets. Living within, but not part of, are people often ignored or forgotten by society. Cold. Quiet. Hungry. Seeing things from this point would make any attempt at a return to normalcy seem impossible.

In the 1930s, the American people suffered an unimaginable blow; A financial disaster on a massive scale created by human avarice. A wave of homelessness spread across the nation, uprooting countless families. Hooverville’s sprouting at such a rate that it was impossible to ignore. It left them hopeless and distraught. The only thing that alleviated the destitution wreaking havoc on our nation was something even more horrific, a war.

Our most current numbers from the EDD show just over 2 million unemployed Californians as of September 2020.

That is close to 11 and a half percent of the total workforce in the state. The previous year the rate was close to 4 %, which is quite a bit lower than the 7.9 % average boosted by the Great Recession of 2010.

It’s almost unimaginable that such a change could happen in so little time, yet here we are. Standing at the gates of despair, depression, and disaster once again. I ask you; Do you believe this is right? How many times must we as a people start over? Is war the only solution to a resurgence to normalcy?

I say no. I do not believe this is the only recourse. We have other options. We can support one another. Protect one another. Share in each other’s trials and tribulations. Someday we may even possibly lift one another beyond these difficulties. The moratorium on evictions has been extended, but there is no guarantee that people that lost their homes prior to the official action will be safe. Please remember that the moratorium began after the beginning of the major job losses California underwent. We should be prepared to help those that will soon be affected by an impending sea change in their life. 6,000 families and counting are one step in the process, maybe more soon, but every little dent is part of the larger impact. New Life Forward wants to aid in their struggle. The struggle of regular people. Regular families.

People trying earnestly to remain functioning members of society as a whole.

I know these words are significantly darker than my usual jubilant, even silly prose. Every light can cast a shadow. There is much work to do and always less time to do it. With obvious perils like these, how can we ignore them?.


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